Merry bruisin' Christmas
Pure unadulterated joy. That goes for both grandson and grandfather, as can be seen in the photo below:
Ya see, junior got his first bike for Christmas this year. The grandparents bought it (instead of the drum set that they've been threatening) and Grandpa put it together.
Now what you don't see is the parked car in the street, just out of frame. And it might be difficult to determine that this is a (slight) downhill shot.
Both big and small almost collide with the automobile. Both big and small end up on the ground.
Junior was not happy with this and wanted nothing more to do with the contraption known as "bicycle". He just pouted, burying his chin into his chest and huffed back into the house.
Even better?
At least 2 of my dad's neighbors watching, telling him what a good grandparent he is for making junior fall.
At least we've gotten the first fall out of the way. And no one incurred more than a bruise, even if it was to their ego.
Unfortunately, due to the rain, we were unable to get him back in the saddle for another ride, but there's always this weekend!
[begin sermon]Everybody's gonna get thrown. It's happened to me and I've got the scars to prove it. We just gotta get back in the saddle and try again.
[/end sermon]Filed under: Christmas Family