To protect and to serve
Two things struck me as inappropriate when dealing with a court of law.
The first were the 2 Sheriff’s deputies that were checking people in as the walked through the door of the courthouse ready to comply with their civic duty. These 2 bailiff’s were both well past their prime. Well into their seventies. Neither one of which was strapped.
One the off chance that I was walking into this building with the sole purpose of mass destruction, as opposed to being a productive member of society, do you really think that an old black guy and an old white woman would stop me from opening fire as if I were at a turkey shoot? The phrase “fish in a barrel” comes to mind.
The second was the bailiff’s in the courtroom itself.
This time it was a different old white woman and an overweight redneck lookin’ middle-aged white guy. The old woman, yet again, was not carrying. The middle-aged guy was, as well as wearing a bullet-proof vest. However, it didn’t look as if he would be able to roll out of his chair quickly enough to draw and aim. They both best served as targets.
This is very disturbing due to the fact that the whole
Brian Nichols thing wasn’t all that long ago. Apparently the Georgia judicial system does not learn from previous mistakes.