Election Day 2004
Well, it's over. Sort of. Still waiting on provisional ballots and absentee ballots. I don't know about the rest of you, but my voting experience has led me to state that if the process isn't streamlined, I won't be voting again. The timeframe is exhorbantly skewed. Stood in line for 2 hours to spend less than 5 minutes actually voting. Kristi had it worse by an hour. The polling place for my county only had 8 voting machines. And how many thousands of people that showed up to cast their vote? And it wasn't just Henry county, wasn't just Georgia, as the news reports will tell you. This is 2004, for fark's sake. Did we learn nothing from the last presidential election only 4 years earlier? OK Mr Government, you've got 4 more years to get it right to earn back my vote.