We all know that it stands for
and while not quite to the daily extreme, it was definitely time to have the rear brake rotor and pads replaced in my trusty vehicle.
My origianl plan was to have had the parts on hand for my latest trip to Atlanta, and have my trusted mechanic
Sean Shuffler take care of it for me. After all, he was the one that helped me out a few years ago with the front rotor and pads.
Well, timing and scheduling conflicts did not agree with either of us that weekend and I was not able to have the work done for me.
Not until this weekend. Armed only with the necessary parts, a random collection of tools, the ever-lovin' internet, and a stoked-in-fire determination, I set forth to do the work myself.
Only took me 3 hours.
Saved me $150 give or take.
And now I know how to do it for future reference.
Gotta love a learning experience.
The best part is that I won't be putting as many miles on the car now. El Jefe's confidence in my mechanical skills have caused him to make the statement that he won't be riding in the truck anytime soon, and that if we have to go anywhere, he'll be driving his Toyota.
Now once the job was complete, you couldn't fit my ego into a 26-foot moving truck. I basically came home and dared my wife to break something. Instead, she opted for her brake pads to be replaced. 2 cars, 2 brake jobs, one Saturday.
And then I drank a case of cheap American beer.
I am mechanic, hear me roar.