Performance review
Well, it was that time of year. Time for the boss man to review my performance for the last half of 2004.
The upside is that all of the commitments that I was charged with over the course of the year had been met consistently. Yeah. 100% compliance with the corporate mandate as it had been handed down to me.
The only criticisms were voiced in what was referred to as necessary "behavior modifications". This nomenclature was utilized because, according to my boss, he doesn't like to use the word criticism. He thinks it has a negative connotation.
Apparently he doesn't understand the thought process behind "constructive criticism".
According to him I "should focus more on being persuasive and less sarcasm in his communications. Needs to improve perception of peers and upper mgt when in joint meetings, etc", as well as "focus on a win win situation".
I guess this means that I don't play well with others from a corporate politics standpoint.
It has been stated that the only way for me to move up in this corporate world is to play the political game and rid myself of a trademarked sarcastic personality trait.
Apparently, one cannot just show up and do their damn job to the best of their abilities (and sometimes beyond) and expect to move up the corporate ladder.
I say to hell with red tape, corporate politics, and officer brown-nosing.
Simple edict that would benefit any work environment: 1) show up 2) do your damn job.
But I guess that's not good enough in today's world. You've got to say the right thing to the right people at the right time, not make any enemies, and make sure everyone else is happy.
Good thing I have PLAN B.